ASHC Hours are by Event or by Appointment

A place for local heritage, memories, and skills

Exploring and Expressing Our Local Heritage

Our heritage is a vital part of who we are, supporting our identity and sense of belonging. At All Saints Heritage Centre, we preserve and celebrate the essence of our history, from local traditions to our broader national heritage. We create experiences that highlight both our tangible and intangible living heritage, providing a place for all of us to tell our story as Irish people, in our own way.

Celebrating Heritage

  • Heritage Exhibits

    Whether it’s to satisfy curiosity, connect with your heritage, or simply enjoy a day out, our heritage exhibits offer a multifaceted experience that appeals to a wide range of interests and backgrounds. By showcasing traditional practices and historical narratives, our exhibits offer a glimpse into the lives and stories of those who came before us. They reveal the interconnectedness of global cultures and histories, highlighting Irish influences and exchanges that have shaped – and been shaped by – the world. Do you have a heritage subject you would like to share with us, or one you would like us to create an exhibit around?

  • Heritage Talks

    At ASHC, we have been fortunate to host a stellar range of speakers and researchers on Irish Heritage. Come engage in fascinating discussions and lectures that explore the heritage of Clonbur and the Nation within the broader historical and cultural narrative.

  • Traditional Crafts Workshops

    Some of our liveliest and most engaging Heritage workshops included participants sharing their memories of local lore and skills; during our súgán rope making demonstrations, a participant sang a charming song from her childhood used to while away the time while turning rope. In our butter making workshop, an elderly gentleman tasted the butter and fell to fond reminiscing about his mother churning butter when he was a child. At ASHC, you can participate in hands-on workshops that teach traditional crafts and skills — or teach one!

Share Your Vision with Us

If you have an idea for an event that explores and celebrates local heritage, we’re here to help turn it into a reality. Reach out to us with your concepts and inspirations, and let’s collaborate to bring your vision to life, Contact us.


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